Reverse Dungeon

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The mysterious thing about life is that you can't predict what's going to happen an inch ahead.
In that sense, Jeong Yi-won had a rather special day, starting with the fact that he woke up in a place he had never expected to go to sleep in the previous night.
So when I woke up, I saw he was on a horse.
For reference, he has never ridden a horse in his life. He didn't like physical activities in the first place. Jeong Yi-won's hobby is to sit quietly in front of the computer, and although he doesn't brag, he has played games for 24 hours straight without stopping.
When he realized that he was holding the reins with one hand and that his buttocks and both thighs were attached to a living creature, it was only natural that he almost fell off the horse. The only reason he could not do so was because of his survival instinct.
Instead, he stumbled violently on his horse. The man riding beside him shouted in despair.
"What are you doing? At this critical moment! Are you asleep?"
I'm not sleepy, I was sleeping until just a moment ago.
Jeong Yi-won did not answer like that. First of all, it was the first time he had seen the man, and he was a foreigner. Like some Koreans, Yi-won suffered from a bit of xenophobia. I thought it was because he had been forced to learn English for over ten years.
Instead of contradicting the foreigner, he was about to ask, "Who are you?" He would have done so if at that moment, a burst of fireworks had not suddenly appeared behind him.
As if someone had set off a firecracker, a red light shot up into the sky and scattered into pieces in the air. It was like fireworks. However, the feeling was unique to him, as screams could be heard from the surrounding area.
"I chased you all the way here!"
"Your Majesty! What should we do?"
The last question was posed by the man who had been reprimanding Jeong Yi-won. The old man in the cloak running in front of the man glanced back with a frightened face. Then, his eyes met with Yi-won's, and Yi-won felt an inexplicable ominousness for a moment.
"My brave son Ian!"
The old man called Your Majesty shouted.
Jeong Yi-won frowned.
The old man commanded.
"I'll give you twenty soldiers. Let them block the rear!"
"Your Majesty is speaking, where is the objection? Ian, answer correctly!"
The man who had been complaining for a while got angry again.
Jeong Yi-won asked the man back this time, because she didn't know what he wanted her to do.
I'm starting to think that this is all a dream. The wind is too cold for a dream, and the feeling of the horse's mane hitting me is vivid, and the smell of cow dung is lingering in my nostrils... But this can't be real, right?
Jeong Yi-won fell asleep on the bus and had been playing a game until then. A defense game with not-so-good character balance.
The amazing thing about that game was that the difficulty patch was so bad. As expected of a mobile game, they gave you one basic character, and you had to pay to unlock the rest of the characters. But the basic character had the worst performance.
-Why are the basic characters the most difficult?
The question was posted as a popular post on the official cafe for the game every month. There were probably a hundred or so people playing the game, including Jeong I-won, and the number of people active on the cafe was even smaller, so of course, the person who posted the post was Jeong I-won.
I'm not kidding. If you want to sell games, shouldn't you first give them characters that are easy to adapt to in order to attract beginners? Jeong I-won wanted to open his head and see what the production team was thinking.
On behalf of the production team who had no intention or will to do business, Jeong I-won was writing a strategy article for the character in question.
$<Even beginners can follow. Ian&apos;s strategy>, <Ian&apos;s early strategy that will succeed if you just put your hands together>, etc.
All the strategies that shine on the Best Strategy Board came from Lee Won's hands.
However, it didn't seem like anyone was really starting the game. This was because Ian was a character that even Iwon had to try several times to successfully conquer.
Jeong Yi-won wrote a sincere review and sent 5,000 emails in the hope that the production team would come to their senses. The production team did not come to their senses and there was no reply. Until the day he closed his eyes, Yi-won was cursing the production team and looking for a new strategy for Ian Route.
Wait a minute, Ian?
"Of course, I'm not asking you to block them perfectly with twenty soldiers. Would I really put that burden on you? Of course, I'll also send a wizard. Ian, our warriors depend on you. Show your determination to this father."
"Go. Hurry up!"
The old king urged him on. Jeong Yi-won looked at him in disbelief. He felt that the comment was very familiar.
There may not be any pervert who would watch a game tutorial hundreds of times, but Jeong I-won watched Ian's tutorial dozens of times. It wasn't because he was a pervert, but because he thought there might be some Easter eggs in the tutorial that could be the key to the strategy.
There was no such thing. If the user couldn't find it, it was the fault of the production team who made it impossible to find it, so even if it existed, it was no different from not having it... That was Jeong I-won's philosophy.
Anyway, that wasn't the important thing.
If Lee Won's prediction is correct, what will come next?
The man who had been dissatisfied with Lee Won suddenly spoke.
"Wait a minute, Ian! Stop!"
Lee Won wasn't going anywhere in the first place.
"I'll leave the horse behind! You won't need the horse anymore. Why would a guy who has to form a defensive formation here want to take the horse?"
"Oh, Eric! You're right. Ian, just say the words and go."
The king agreed.
The man called Eric snatched the reins from Jeong Yi-won's hands and kicked him. Jeong Yi-won rolled down and surprisingly landed on the ground without breaking his neck. Since Jeong Yi-won did not have the physical ability to do that, it was only possible to assume that it was the work of some other force.
So, it's kind of like the game character can't die before the game's 'tutorial' even starts… .
Character Ian.
A basic character who was abandoned by the king from the start and had to go through the tutorial without any forces.
This is $<Reverse Dungeon>!
"Please take care of me, son!"
"Show me that you are useful, even just once!"
The King and Ian's brother Eric walked away with cheering.
The king's party left, and only twenty-one people wearing rags remained by Jeong I-won's side. The king said he would send soldiers, but no matter how you looked at them, they did not look like soldiers. Should I be careful? They are refugees.
"We're done for. We're going to die!"
"Oh, my God."
As one person began to sob, tears spread like an epidemic. While everyone covered their faces in despair, the only man who was not crying approached Jeong Yi-won.
"Ian, what should we do? This place is flat, so it'll be easy for monsters to see us."
He didn't seem to be overflowing with confidence. The moment he spoke while trembling, a translucent window appeared before Jeong Yi-won's eyes.
[The tutorial begins.]
[Create a dungeon and defend against monsters.]
[Character] 'Illegitimate Child' Ian (★★★★☆)
- reputation
Illegitimate, debaucherous, extravagant, aesthete
- skill
Purification: LV.1
Horseback Riding: LV.1
Archery: LV.1
Jeong I-won was possessed by the game $<Reverse Dungeon>.
As the most incompetent character, Ian.
Or maybe you're dreaming about it.
First of all, if you were to explain the game called $<Reverse Dungeon>., it is a failed game.
The basic background of the game is as follows. The world view where the human race is destroyed and the demon race rules the world. The surviving humans escape to the dungeon and play a defense game to survive against the demon race... That's the story.
Isn't it normal for humans to go into a dungeon and defeat monsters? It's called a reverse dungeon because the positions are reversed.
The game itself is well made and the illustrations are pretty. But the reason it failed is, of course, because the production team is stupid. If you can't run a restaurant, even a good restaurant will fail.
Jeong-i-won is a three-year user of this game, and he wasn't a huge fan. Even though the game was made three years ago.
In the three years he played, he went back and beat every ending with every character, and saw every event. The only thing he doesn't know about this game is what the developers didn't reveal. So he still doesn't know why they made the base characters like this and ruined the game.
Anyway, this game has a 'reputation' system. It's about what this character is called within the game world. The most famous reputation becomes a 'title' and is added in front of the character's name.
And Ian's nickname is 'illegitimate child'.
It means he is the most famous bastard. Everyone who meets him for the first time calls him 'Huh, bastard Ian?' Really.
Why would someone like this be made into a basic character? I don't know.
And Ian's second most famous reputation is 'a hooligan'. Doesn't that sound like someone you wouldn't want to associate with?
The way people think in this world is not that different, so in reality, no one wants to deal with this guy. This means that the people who were thrown under Ian's command in the tutorial are the same. Those people have no intention of listening to this guy's orders. You can tell this just by looking at them crying, "We're going to die soon."
"… … ."
Let's take a look at the reputation here.
Another issue is skill.