Translate Novels using the OpenNovel Extension

You will need to use the extension to translate on certain websites, due to site protections. We provide Chrome and Safari browser extensions that allow you to translate from these websites with 1-click.

On PC / Laptop

Before you begin, please sign up for an account.

Install the OpenNovel Chrome Extension

Pin the extension for easier access.

Check that your raw link is on the list of supported websites


Go to a chapter page to start translating

IMPORTANT: Google translate must be turned off when you run the translation, otherwise it will not work properly.
Navigate to a chapter page on one of the supported websites. Click the Chrome extension, and then click "Translate chapter". Also, check out our FAQs for more tips on using OpenNovel.

Bulk import chapters from Websites

If you upgrade to Hobby, you'll be able to import multiple chapters at once into your library. With this, you can keep clicking next to translate the next chapter, without needing to go back and forth between the OpenNovel website and the extension.