Translating ePubs with OpenNovel

You can import an existing ePub file and translate it in OpenNovel.
  1. Click on the "Import ePub" button in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Select the epub you want to translate, or drag and drop it.
  3. Your chapters will now be available in your OpenNovel library for translation.

Creating your own ePub

If you'd like to create and import your own ePub for translation, use the following steps:
  1. Create a Word document (.docx) with your novel content. You can also paste your novel content into Google Docs, and then export it as a .docx file. You must use headers for each chapter title so that the ePub can be properly parsed.
  2. Download Calibre (free software) and use it to convert the .docx file to .epub format.
  3. Go to OpenNovel and click on "Import ePub" to upload your file.
  4. Select the epub you just created with Calibre.
  5. Your chapters will now be available in your library for translation